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Tag: The Greater Fool

Hashtag history

Last week, I wrote my column about the #YesAllWomen movement, with an assurance that it had staying power. Well, guess what? I was wrong. As...

Yes, all women

<em>It was a nightclub in Mississauga I had never been to before. The strange passerby stuck his hand right up my dress and tried...

Happy New year. Sort of.

Elsewhere it might not feel like a new year: there was no countdown, no ball dropping, but here on campus it feels like a...

Happy anniversary to me

EIC Aliya Kanani reflects on one year at Imprint.

A risky move

Aliya reflects after a month of moving in with her boyfriend.

Not-so-social media

Aliya Kanani advises you to make good choices on social media.

My quarter-life crisis

I used to be really fun. I used to wear top hats to the bar, I once dated a DJ, and shaving my legs was not always saved for special occasions.

Rock the vote

We all saw it coming: a column about voting in student union elections. Just hear me out. I feel it&rsquo;s my responsibility as editor-in-chief of...

The backpack effect

Media-related topics tend to be the main themes of my column each week because there are few other areas in which I...

Trolling in the deep

I have taken up a very bad habit &mdash; a sad, soul-crushing, discouraging habit. I have taken to regularly searching the term &ldquo;<em>Imprint</em>&rdquo; on...