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Talking the dark side of faith at Interfaith Dialogues

What happens when an Anglican and a Muslim get together to talk about the dark sides of their religions? The Interfaith Dialogues, held by...

Walk-in counselling now available to students

After a brief pilot period at the start of fall term, Counselling Services’ new walk-in counselling service is available to all UW students. Provided...

Feds fall general meeting fails to meet quorum

After failing to meet quorum, the Feds fall general meeting could not move forward as planned and shifted towards a more informal information session....

An inclusive addition to campus

Students and faculty gathered in Needles Hall on Oct. 20 for the unveiling of the new gender-neutral washrooms to be opened on campus. The...

Is the university addressing student needs?

October’s university senate meeting involved a look at many issues related to students, including an overview of an updated copy of the university’s controversial...

UW ranks number one in highest student exec salary

According to a study conducted by the Western Gazette, UW has the highest student government salary. The Gazette, official student newspaper of the University of...

New study linking birth control and depression may be misleading

Danish researchers published a study outlining the relationship between young women who take hormone-regulating contraceptives and the onset of depression and anxiety Sept. 28....

QUANTUM spins delight at exhibit premiere

The quantum revolution is here and on Thursday, Oct. 13. a select group of local dignitaries and media were welcomed as the first to...

Standing up for freedom of speech

At the University of Toronto last week, Professor Jordan Peterson held a freedom of speech rally against Bill C-16 which was counter-protested by members...

Preparing for the unexpected

What are the various options for students who are experiencing trouble during the term? What is AccessAbility Services? In this video staff members and students...