What election issues matter to you?



Yunxiang Yang, 4A Biomedical Science

Honestly, just jobs and skills training, as well as economy and affordability. We’re all students here, we all want to get jobs. The thing, is we’re not always going to get the jobs we want. The government needs to put more money into the economy to boost it.”




Hannah Clinton, 1A Gender and Social Justice

“Education, healthcare, climate change, economy—I think they’re all pretty important. That way the platform represents the needs of all Canadians, and it doesn’t just appeal or benefit a certain class, or group of people.”





Quangos Hoang, 1A Arts and Business

“I would say climate change and the environment because everyone is talking about it. I saw Greta Thunberg give her speech at the UN, shaming all of the leaders. It was incredible! I’m 19 and I’m just studying, but at 16 she was already giving speeches!”




Nilusha Rattansi, 2A Public Health

“I am passionate about election issues related to education, specifically secondary and post secondary. This is because successful future leaders are created through quality education, and so policy makers need to take this into account.”


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