Smoothie Cubes


These blends of fancy refreshments packed in little cubes are perfect for those on-the-go. Just pop them into a blender and you have a refreshing snack for the afternoon. This recipe is completely free-form, so feel free to mix any other fruits (or herbs) into your smoothie cubes to spice it up. 


Ice cube tray 



  • Strawberries and mangoes (I would recommend  ½ cup of strawberries and ½ cup of mangoes for every ice cube tray, depending on how many cubes the tray yields)
  • 1-2 pieces of basil and mint (thinly sliced)
  • Water or a juice of preference (you may also use lemon water to add some zest; if you are using 1 cup of fruits (as suggested above), use 1 ½ cups of liquid) 


In a blender, blend the strawberries, mangoes, and the liquid of your choice together. Pour the mixture into a tray and place the thinly sliced basil and/or mint into each cube compartment. Let it freeze for 12 to 24 hours and when ready, you can blend the smoothie cubes and juice together. 

Feel free to mix other fruits and herbs of your choice and have them ready for the go when the hot summer days roll around. Enjoy!