This week on Getting High on Campus, we’re doing a complete 180. As in, we’re facing DP, and away from the sunset. We just couldn’t ignore the view from the top landing of Stairwell C of QNC. If you really want to see a sunset from this location, we recommend going in the winter months.
View: As we mentioned, this is not a good location for sunset viewing, as it faces south instead of west. That being said, you get a phenomenal view of the colourful light reflecting off of the building itself. This location is also great for seeing around campus, from St. Jerome’s to The Grad House, and the rock garden below. As it gets darker, there is some glare from the intense orange railings in the glass, so looking down is diffucult but the glare has little bearing on observing the skyline. 4.5/5
Comfort: Like Stairwell A in STC, this location isn’t meant to hang around because it is unfurnished. If you want to sit, your only real option is the stairs, as the railings on each landing block your view if you sit on the floor. 3.5/5
Atmosphere: The top of this staircase is great if you don’t like having other people around you. Neither the sixth or seventh floors are accessible to students (because you know, top-secret death lasers), so the landing between them has little foot traffic. We recommend the top landing because it’s warmer and has a better view.
There is significant white noise in the stairwell, but we find it has almost no bearing on our enjoyment of the space. The beautiful reflective architecture of QNC that surrounds the staircase provides a sense of detachment from what is going on in the building, and allows you to focus on the now. The expansive glass walls of the stairwell provides ample and pleasing natural light.
All-in-all, this is a very pleasant atmosphere in which to get high. 4/5