Flockstop to discontinue lottery ticket sales


The student-run convenience store Flock Stop located in the SLC will be discontinuing lottery ticket sales come January 31st. When asked about the reason for the discontinuation, WUSA Media Relations Specialist Hannah Wardell stated, “lottery ticket sales at Flock Stop have been declining year over year, likely due to the option to buy and play lottery tickets online”.

Wardell also cited the limited space and large number of customers as a secondary reason for the discontinuance, explaining that the 750-sq. ft area serves 2000 staff and students daily.“We have been exploring ways to maximize our space and are carrying out minor renovations to create more room. Part of these changes involves removing the lotto machine.”

While the lotto machine will likely be missed by those few students wanting to take a chance, the upcoming renovations are certainly something to look forward to.