City of Waterloo issues fines over St. Patrick’s weekend


Thousands of people travelled to Waterloo this past weekend to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, which meant that the city was on high alert for noise complaints and other nuisance-related calls. Today, it was reported that city officials responded to 75 calls regarding noise, nuisance, and lot maintenance complaints between Friday at 5 p.m. and Monday at 7 a.m. 

Additionally, 16 penalty notices were issued during this period — according to a city official, all of these are believed to be connected to an unsanctioned street party that took place on Saturday in the university district. The notices issued are as follows: noise (five), public urination (three), nuisance party (three), nuisance noise (two), occupy a roof (two), and operate business without a license (one). The fines range from $400 to $800 per notice.

According to UW student Sam Obadia, Saturday was much busier than Sunday in terms of celebrations: “the energy was very fun, but it was packed… once it picked up, [you] could barely move [because so much] was going on.” Obadia also noted that students from other universities across Ontario were joining in the weekend’s festivities. “A lot of [people] from out of town were texting me, saying they were coming… I think that shows how popular [St Patrick’s] is here,” she said.

Though the Waterloo Regional Police Service installed CCTV cameras around Uptown Waterloo in preparation for the busy weekend, Obadia said that in her experience, “everyone looked like [they] had a fun and safe time.” The only slightly unusual thing she saw was someone climbing a tree in order to save a cat.

The scene of Waterloo St. Patrick’s Day celebrations on Saturday, March 16. (Photo credit: Paul Sherk)

The scenes around Uptown Waterloo on Sunday, March 17. (Photo credit: David Yin)