Living in the past is so passe

I have a really bad memory when it comes to my childhood. I remember stories my parents tell me more than the actual events. Back when I was like six, it took us three days to get to the Hoover Dam in Nevada because my sister and I kept throwing up from the heat, but I don’t remember that at all. All I remember from that trip is climbing up a sandy hill (and practically dying because it was so hot), one of the casinos, and then my mother throwing out some of my toys from an arcade as I watched TV. That’s arguably two minutes of memories for a seven-plus day vacation. Is that bad? I imagine that’s pretty bad.

I mention my poor memory because I’m confident 40 per cent of our generation feeds off nostalgia. Some of the novelty items out there prey solely on the nostalgia gimmick; I swear at least half the gaming industry is nostalgia. Sooo many indie games are an homage to the 8-, 16-, and 32-bit style of early generation gaming. It’s getting old — probably because IT IS OLD.

In preparation of this article, I looked up the definition of nostalgia because I thought I was incorrect in my belief of it, and I was right. My definition of nostalgia is completely wrong – not even close to being correct, but I’m pretty sure a lot of people have an incorrect idea of what nostalgia is.

The wisdom of Google says nostalgia is (basically) wistful longing for the past. I do not subscribe to this definition. The folly of BuzzFeed says nostalgia is (basically) items from the ‘90s and claiming only “‘90s kids” will understand. Yeah, let’s talk about ‘90s kids. I was born in ‘94, practically ‘95 considering my late birthday, and as we established I have a crap memory. Therefore I do not consider myself a “90s kid.” Sure I remember stuff from the time, but that doesn’t count. I was barely six going into the millennium. So, shout out to all my fellow students born from 1992 and onward:

Get over yourselves.

We are not &lsquo;90s kids &mdash; some of us were barely in kindergarten when Y2K was nearly upon us. I&rsquo;ll give credit to those born before &lsquo;92, and maybe even &lsquo;92 kids, but c&rsquo;mon, are your memories really <em>that </em>good? Okay, they very well could be, considering I&rsquo;m a poor comparison, but still!

As I said before &mdash; I don&rsquo;t follow Google&rsquo;s nostalgia definition, and I sure as hell don&rsquo;t follow BuzzFeed&rsquo;s. &ldquo;Wistful longing&rdquo;? <em>Puh-lease</em>. The &lsquo;90s sucked. The toy products sucked (I&rsquo;m looking at you, Moonshoes) the food products sucked (green and purple Heinz ketchup, anyone?) and the internet REALLY sucked. I will always be thankful for my connection as I reflect on the horrid days of &hellip; dial up. I still get chills &hellip;&nbsp;

What I really wistfully long for are those classic cartoons back in the day &mdash; but that&rsquo;s another article for another time.

For me, nostalgia is only remembering something from my past after it is presented to me. That sounds a little weird, so let me give an example: Do you recall that commercial way back, in the &lsquo;90s yes, called &ldquo;Don&rsquo;t put it in your mouth&rdquo;? It was very recently that I saw that commercial on YouTube and HOLY JEEZ did that bring back memories. The tune came right back to me &mdash; I even remembered the part about the beet &mdash; THE BEET FOR GOODNESS&rsquo; SAKE. That&rsquo;s nostalgia for me, only remembering after I see it.

It&rsquo;s hard to describe, but it&rsquo;s a really good feeling. If I could, I would share it with everyone. So here is my request to the world &mdash; specifically to our generation: let&rsquo;s take it easy on the nostalgia, okay? The good part is remembering something you loved fondly as a child after a long period of absence from your mind. It&rsquo;s not like you completely forgot about it, it was just tucked back in your brain a little.

Try to completely forget those stupid concerned children&rsquo;s advertisements though. I always hated the one with the house hippo.


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