TheMuseum plans to reopen April 9


TheMuseum is reopening its doors after five months of closure on Apr. 9, according to a statement released by CEO David Marskell on Feb. 23, 2021.

“After much consideration, I have determined for the safety of our guests and the mental health of our team, that we will reopen our doors and outdoor programming in April 2021,” the statement read. 

In the statement, Marskell listed several achievements made by the company since the start of the pandemic. These include a partnership with D2L to deliver provincial curriculum, a selection of virtual programming options and several drive-thru experiences. Now, TheMuseum is hoping to bring back their traditional in-person offerings. 

However, since the Kitchener-Waterloo region remains in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, safety protocols must be respected to ensure that staff and visitors are protected. 

Aside from common practices such as social distancing, wearing a face covering and hand sanitization, TheMuseum will also enforce additional rules, including screening questions before allowing entrance into the exhibit; timed tickets as a way to monitor traffic and enable contact tracing; directional signage to encourage physical distancing; a preference for contactless payments instead of cash, with ticket purchases made ahead of time; hourly cleaning of spaces by the staff; and limiting washroom use to one household at a time.

Some of TheMuseum’s upcoming events include two new exhibitions,  “Dinosaurs: The Age of Big Weird Feathered Things,” and “Sonica: The Sound Experience,” leading to the anticipated “The Rolling Stones: Unzipped,” which opens out in the Fall of 2021. 

Dinosaurs: The Age of Big Weird Feathered Things (April 9)

Take a selfie with the dinosaurs or “feather-saurs” as we call them nowadays. Dinosaur fans will love to discover the latest science in this exhibition. Attendees are invited to revisit their favourite dinosaurs and learn more about them than what they heard before. They aren’t the dinosaurs your parents or grandparents remember, but make sure to bring them along to learn something new and unique at this year’s Dinosaur Drive-Thru. 

SONICA: The Sound Experience (April 9)

Do you love music? Then look no further than Sonica, a wonderful sound exhibition with engaging and reflective works from eight artists and groups. Each member will have their installation and band together in TheMuseum to perform and explore sound. Some of these installations include James Kirkpatrick’s Discuss Matters, Scott Lindsay and Richard Burrows’s Ocean Drum and Mary Abdel’s The Sounds of The Region. Attendees will be immersed in each unique installation, able to express themselves and share personal experiences with or without sound. Sonica takes what you know about sound and redefines what is important for you.

TheMuseum will reopen on Apr. 9, 2021, Fridays to Sundays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET.


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