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Campus Wellness Announces Pandemic Wellness Management Workshops

It is no secret that the pandemic has taken a toll on our personal wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Campus Wellness recently announced a...

Beat The Winter Blues with Homewood’s Tips for Combatting De

The next few months will be challenging to say the least. It’s difficult enough battling cold Canadian winters, but with the added feelings of...

How Employment Struggles Can Affect Your Mental Health (And What to...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, workers and job seekers across all sectors are experiencing stress and anxiety over finding or maintaining employment.  Many spring term internships...

More mental health coverage for students

Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, students at UW will have access to EmpowerMe, a student assistance program in addition to an expansion in the existing...

Talking mental health

The Student Mental Heath Forum, part of Thrive Week 2019, offered insight into the shortcomings of mental health initiatives on the UW campus. The Committee...

8 dimensions of wellness

  Mental health is a term frequently used to reflect a state of emotional well-being, but what does it mean to reach that state? Various studies...