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This election, vote for what matters to you

Every time an election comes around, the old adage that “elections matter” gets trotted out along with the cliché that young people don’t vote....

Here’s how students feel about the upcoming federal election

On Aug. 15, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a federal election set to take place on Sept. 20, 2021. Here’s how students are...

WUSA elections: What you need to know

On January 27, Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) officially released their nominations for the upcoming Winter 2020 election. Candidates for President, Vice President Education,...

The grads aren’t alright

From Jan. 23 through 24, the Graduate Student Association (GSA) Council held an e-vote on the following resolution: Be it resolved that the GSA...

History of the Indigenous voice

Election periods can raise tensions in any groups of people, however productive or divisive in nature they may be. As a Mohawk-European woman studying Planning...

Why you should vote

The greatest threat to our democracy is not incompetent leaders. It’s not Bill 21. It’s not the SNC lavalin scandal. The greatest threat to...

Groupism in federal elections

Not all elections revolve around politicians and voters—most involve organizations that, even though are not politically dominant, manage to leave their own footprint on...

Make your vote count more: volunteer!

During the weeks leading up to the election, political parties and Elections Canada have a lot to prepare for.  With the upcoming federal election taking...

Who should students vote for?

(Alphabetically ordered) Lori Campbell, NDP: “Being a student myself, I understand what problems most students face and my party’s platform addresses these issues.” OSAP: Every student...