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Tag: vaccination

Ontario’s vaccine passport program sparks debate

The fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has begun in Ontario, and early modelling shows that hospitals may be overwhelmed by the end of...

UW to return to ‘normal’ in-person learning for winter 2022

The University of Waterloo will be returning to pre-pandemic levels of in-person instruction beginning in the winter 2022 term, according to a memo sent...

UW community members sign open letter to repeal vaccine mandate

Students, parents of students, faculty, staff and alumni have signed an open letter to the University of Waterloo asking to repeal its mandatory vaccination...

Mandatory vaccines should be implemented for UW’s fall reopening

When the University of Waterloo announced on May 11 that it would be re-introducing in-person learning for the upcoming fall 2021 term, many students...

COVID-19 and the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines – Q&A with experts

On January 25th, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Canada.  Professor Zahid Butt, a public health expert, spoke on his thoughts on...

Herd Immunity and the Fight Against COVID-19: UW Associate Professor Weighs...

During the early stages of the pandemic, there was significant debate about which methods would prove most effective for flattening the COVID-19 curve. One...