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Rediscover your love of reading

Like many voracious young readers, my childhood and early teens were consumed by books. I read constantly, devouring anything and everything that came my...

Are students ready for a full transition to in-person learning?

In an email sent to University of Waterloo students and staff on Jan. 21, Vivek Goel, president and vice-chancellor, UW, announced a transition to...

Let’s take engineering seriously:

Since the start of the pandemic, software has ruled our lives. As a student going from Zoom lectures to Discord group project calls to...

Warriors swim teams drown out the competition

A dominant victory against Wilfrid Laurier University and strong performances at Brock and Western universities have made for a strong year so far for...

Salmon with lemon and onions

With the sun leaving our sight by 4:30 p.m., what feels like a long day is made short by the early sunset. I, along...

Ontario’s vaccine passport program sparks debate

The fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has begun in Ontario, and early modelling shows that hospitals may be overwhelmed by the end of...

What’s happening in Waterloo this summer?

As the spring term sets in, rising temperatures and longer days mean even more reason to feel cooped up at home due to the...

Examining Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion at UW

The Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion (HREI) panel shared their progress, after a series of interviews conducted in Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021. This...

Why I chose co-op at UW

I believe the co-operative education system at the University of Waterloo is unparalleled, which is the primary reason I chose this school.  Co-op is a...

University of Waterloo Students Thank Provincial Government for Investing in Student...

 On October 6th, the provincial government of Ontario announced that they will be increasing funding for post-secondary mental health supports by 20 per cent...