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Tag: The Greenhorn Grad

Sailing towards the sunset

Gentle Readers,</p> Well, the time has come to wrap up my column. The term is coming to an end, and for...

Rowing against the waves

Gentle Readers,</p> In my last post, I introduced the idea of seeing your obstacles as challenges to overcome in order to...

In need of a navigator

Gentle Readers,</p> Many ill-feeling things can come with a change in the wind. When we enter a new chapter of our...

Netting a job

Dear gentle readers,</p> In my last one, I talked about the immediate aftermath of graduation and my decision to look for...


Dear gentle readers,</p> Chances are you’ve gone through or will go through a dramatic end to your final year of university....

Enter the Greenhorn Grad

Dear gentle readers,</p> I wasn’t prepared for graduation. Four long years had been spent to achieve my goal: that clean, crisp...