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Tag: social distancing

Tunes That Have Made Quarantine Bearable

Closure of non-essential businesses, social distancing and self-isolation, no large crowds – these are some of the rules and policies put in place when...

How to Exercise with a Face Mask

We finally did it! After months of social distancing, staying home, washing our hands, and baking banana bread, the majority of Ontario has made...

Everything you need to know about Stage 3 in KW

Many parts of Ontario are moving into Stage 3 of reopening the economy Friday Jul. 17, 2020, with the Waterloo Region among the municipalities...

Why Some People Find It Harder to Physically Distance Than Others

With the province slowly but surely giving the green light for businesses to start opening their doors to the general public as we enter...

Improving social support at UW amidst COVID-19

Is there enough social support for the students who may be feeling isolated during these crazy times? With the spring semester recently going online,...

How Effective Is It Really to Wear a Mask?

Face masks have become a symbol of the COVID-19 pandemic and a flashpoint in the culture war over the lockdown. Uncertainty around COVID-19 has permeated...

How to be the life of a Zoom party

Where are my spring babies at? In this time of self-isolation all clubs, venues, and restaurants (dining-in) are closed. In-person social gatherings are all...

FLATTEN Canada: UW students fight virus with data

Monitoring and controlling COVID-19 cases is a growing global mission as infection numbers continue to rise exponentially. Countries such as South Korea and China are...

Quit complaining about quarantine

Don’t get me wrong, I know the novel coronavirus is not something to be taken lightly or something to be mocked. I know a disease...