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Tag: social distancing

Ontario University Reopening Plans, How does UW compare to its peers?

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities announced on July 16 that post-secondary institutions should prepare to resume in-person instruction and on-campus activities.  Universities will still...

TheMuseum plans to reopen April 9

TheMuseum is reopening its doors after five months of closure on Apr. 9, according to a statement released by CEO David Marskell on Feb....

Inside Scoop on the Geriatric Health Systems Research Group

On Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, members Vanessa Vahedi and Diya Chowdhury of the Geriatric Health Systems Research Group (GHS) gave Imprint insight into their...

Herd Immunity and the Fight Against COVID-19: UW Associate Professor Weighs...

During the early stages of the pandemic, there was significant debate about which methods would prove most effective for flattening the COVID-19 curve. One...

Christmas celebrations will be different this year

To keep our loved ones and our communities safe this holiday season, traditions will have to be modified. As the Christmas holiday approaches and COVID-19...

Waterloo to launch interactive gathering space map in Spring 2021

Despite increasing regulations on social gatherings amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Waterloo neighborhoods team is developing an interactive map of gathering spaces,...

How hobbies can improve your mental health

Protecting your mental health is of utmost importance in university, especially during hard times like these. With midterms just around the corner and limited...

New Model helps decide who should get the COVID-19 vaccine first

Researchers at UW claim that the COVID-19 vaccine should be administered to people 60 and older should it be ready by January 2021.  According to...

Fifth case of COVID-19 in WLU

Another WLU student tested positive for COVID-19 last week, bringing the university total to five.  WLU issued a press release that said the case is...

UW opening up residences

With the announcement of a hybrid term – of both in-person and online classes – this fall, Waterloo Residences has decided to open up...