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St. Patrick’s Day 2022

For this year’s St. Patrick’s Day, in anticipation of large street parties, police fenced off Ezra Avenue, hoping to prevent the disruptive event from...

Students scammed out of deposit when searching for sublet housing

Over the past month on Reddit, University of Waterloo students reported paying deposits for sublet agreements that turned out to be scams. The police...

Police Briefs

A male was robbed of his car and his personal belongings by two males with a handgun in the area of Holbeach Crescent in...

Somali community voices concerns over police brutality by WRPS

On July 5th of this year, Abdisalam Omer, an unarmed Black man belonging to the Somali Canadian community, was brutally beaten by officers from...

White UW has an Amy Cooper problem

Amy Cooper lost her job. George Floyd lost his life. Both of these events are cause for reflection amongst students at UW, especially those amongst...

Three Black Lives Matter protests in KW over four days

On Wednesday June 3, protesters in the tens of thousands gathered at Kitchener’s old bus station to show support for Black Lives Matter. George Floyd,...

KW gun crime on the rise

The Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS) is taking drastic action to combat rising gun crime in the region with the help of additional funding...

The end of an E(z)ra?

Twice a year, thousands of students from Waterloo and beyond gather on Ezra Ave. to celebrate Homecoming and St. Patrick’s Day. Many students view this...

Police Briefs

Police discover drugs in KW homes, four men arrested  Police say they found two kilograms of what they believe is methamphetamine on Friday. Police arrested...

Ezra Avenue fire

A 17-year-old male was charged with arson, property damage and mischief under $5,000 after being arrested Monday September 10. Exactly one week earlier, Ezra Avenue was...