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Mustard: For healing the mind, body and soul

Kat Sandler’s 2016 Dora Award-winning play is being showcased by the University of Waterloo’s Theatre and Performance Program from March 23 – 26 at...

‘carried away on the crest of a wave’ review

For their final project, UW’s theatre and performance program’s senior capstone students produced scenes from the play “carried away on the crest of a...

Preview: All Art is Quite Useless

White banners in black font across posters for the one-act shows that would have constituted the UW UpStart20 Festival all read the same thing...

Review: East of Berlin

The play East of Berlin, performed at the Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre (KWLT), is a depiction of how a father’s war crimes affect his child’s...

Review: The Seagull Play No, that’s not me

The Seagull Play was originally written by Anton Chekhov, a Russian playwright and short story writer, over 100 years ago.  The play gave me chills,...

Review: Feridun-dun-DUN!

The Faculty, Alumni, Staff, and Students (FASS) Theatre Company showcased the many talents that can be found on campus within their 2019 fall variety...