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Tag: Micro Files

Micro Files

Researchers have found that a person's choice of pet can reveal one's personality, the inventor of web reveals names that were considered for it, and an Associated Press report discusses how an aircraft can disappear.


Microfiles, March 14, 2014: what changes your sense of taste, waterproofing paper, iPhone tracking after battery death.


Micro files, March 7: A new reading app, automated messages to girlfriends, and thermal paper receipts

Micro Files

A wireless network research site publishes its report on the speed of LTE around the world, bloggers have their say on the Subway bread additive controversy, and the science behind why onions make us cry is explained.

Micro files

Researchers have found a way to convert plastic bags to fuel, tiny injectable sponges may soon be used to stop heavy bleeding, and a new way of preserving pizza has been developed to allow it to be added to military meals.

Micro Files

Global warming is affecting the mortality rates of baby penguins, genetic testing may be used in selecting future Uzbek Olympians, and a company in UK has found a way to turn empty bottles in stylish lamps.


Hawking did not say black holes don’t exist You’ve probably read lots of headlines proclaiming “Stephen Hawking...

Micro files

Facebook could die out in 2017 According to <em>Gizmodo UK</em>, researchers from Princeton University predict that the number of Facebook users...

Micro Files

Astronomers find gassy Earth-mass planet  A group of international astronomers recently discovered the first Earth-mass planet that...