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Tag: Giga Game Breaker

The four best Nintendo games of 2014

Captain Toad, Bravely Default, and more.

The five best (non-Nintendo) games of 2014

Y&rsquo;know, I was looking through the list of games that graced 2014, mildly depressed at the more disappointing entries of <em>Watch Dogs</em> and <em>Destiny</em>,...

Spring cleaning for winter 2015

New year, new games.

Assassin’s Creed: Unity Lost

The complaint gets around that an annualized series like <em>Call of Duty </em>really wears down the fanbase. But at least that twitch shooter experience...

Bayonetta 2: Demon Hair-Suits and Angel Torture

Platinum Games is what I&rsquo;d call the Quentin Tarantino of the gaming world. They often take inspiration from niche genres: spaghetti westerns, martial arts...

Alien: Isolation —Clunky, but Visceral

Ah Halloween, that season of horror.The two standout releases for the season of horror are <em>Resident Evil</em> creator Shinji Mikami&rsquo;s latest work, <em>The Evil...

The balancing act

It&rsquo;s been a weird week. <em>Smash Bros</em> was just covered, yet I would like more time to cover the spookier games of the Halloween...

Smashing on the go

Has it really been six years since the last <em>Smash Bros</em> title came out? I feel old.Every new Nintendo console brings the desire for...

Transistor: Musical, yet digital

So as October ushers in the onslaught of fall games to come, not to mention the excellent Super Smash Bros for 3DS (which will...

Destiny defended

Previously on Giga Game Breaker (read in the voice of the <em>Dragonball Z </em>narrator), I voiced the many flaws of <em>Destiny.</em> Why, then, have I...