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Tag: federal election

Federal Election 2021: Liberals hold onto minority government

Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau continues on as prime minister after the Liberals formed their second minority government in the early hours of Sept....

Federal election sees more women candidates than ever

This year’s federal election has more female candidates running than ever before. According to Equal Voice, an organization pushing for more female representation in...

A student’s guide to the federal election

Canada is holding a Federal Election on Sept. 20. Regardless of your political perspective, this is a chance to express your opinion in a...

How to vote in the federal election

Elections Canada’s decision not to run the “Vote on Campus” program has left many students at the University of Waterloo wondering how to cast...

This election, vote for what matters to you

Every time an election comes around, the old adage that “elections matter” gets trotted out along with the cliché that young people don’t vote....

Here’s how students feel about the upcoming federal election

On Aug. 15, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a federal election set to take place on Sept. 20, 2021. Here’s how students are...

Federal election candidates’ take on climate change and environment

Waterloo’s federal candidates proposed starkly different approaches to the environment when they spoke with Imprint.  “The parties on the left will say that it’s all...

Who should students vote for?

(Alphabetically ordered) Lori Campbell, NDP: “Being a student myself, I understand what problems most students face and my party’s platform addresses these issues.” OSAP: Every student...