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One-on-one with spring 2021 arts valedictorian: Kyle Rowe

After years of relentless hard work, sleepless nights, and running away from geese, convocation is a significant milestone for most University of Waterloo graduates....

How Employment Struggles Can Affect Your Mental Health (And What to...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, workers and job seekers across all sectors are experiencing stress and anxiety over finding or maintaining employment.  Many spring term internships...

WUSA elections: What you need to know

On January 27, Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) officially released their nominations for the upcoming Winter 2020 election. Candidates for President, Vice President Education,...

Campus Question: How was your experience at UWaterloo residence?

“My experience in first year was really good. Living in residence, especially V1, it was really nice to have pool tables and ping pong...