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Tag: Community Editorial

Because there is no reason not to

Picture an ordinary morning: you wake up and as you lie there in bed, your biggest concern is what you’ll have for breakfast. Once...

My opinion on opinions

When I was much younger, my grandfather instructed me that when someone asked you your opinion on a subject, unless you know a vast...

The Waterloo housing bubble

Let me preface this by saying I know nothing about economics. That said, if someone does, please write in and explain how I am...

Quilts for mental health: Is it the spirit of why not?

As mental health concerns rise at post-secondary institutions, so do the number of proposed solutions to this crisis.&nbsp;</p> One of the...

The thorny question of WPIRG’s opt-out fee

At the Feds March General Meeting March 23, students will debate whether or not to hold a referendum on the &ldquo;opt-out&rdquo; status of the...

Free tuition to be given to poverty-stricken achievers or entitled handout...

There&rsquo;s a good chance that you&rsquo;ve heard what&rsquo;s been in the news recently: tuition for students whose families reside in Ontario and earn less...

Reject the status quo: Vote yes

Undergraduate students at UW will have the opportunity to join a growing global movement that is aiming to hold one of the world&rsquo;s premier...

Two reasons why I will not support the academic boycott this...

This month, a referendum covering a boycott regarding Israeli academic institutions will occur. This has brought up, at least in my head, the question...

It’s time we got rid of publicly funded merit scholarships

This past November, I had the privilege of participating in a delegation representing the Federation of Students at the Fall General Assembly of the...

My body, my choice?

If you were in the SLC atrium Nov. 19, you probably noticed that volunteers from the UW Women&rsquo;s Centre were manning booths on contraception,...