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Re: Trick or troublesome?, Nov. 2

Dear Tamara, We were so sorry to read about your lack of enthusiasm regarding Halloween spirit on campus and in general. As two individuals who...

Trick or troublesome?

Now, I have never been one to celebrate Halloween, but it has come and gone and I’ve seen that there is a lack of...

Standing up for freedom of speech

At the University of Toronto last week, Professor Jordan Peterson held a freedom of speech rally against Bill C-16 which was counter-protested by members...

Get the “Kylie Jenner look”

Call me a “hater,” but everywhere I look, every magazine I open, and every celebrity’s face I see in the media have mundane similarities:...

Action needed on student housing in Waterloo

It’s becoming a very ugly annual tradition: students arriving at Waterloo’s universities in the fall being told they don’t have a home, even though...

WPIRG’s mental health campaign is not a “temporary” PR move

Reading this piece, I am deeply disappointed by this misportrayal of WPIRG’s mental health advocacy. Many individuals know me as a long-time campus mental...

Why I am offended by WPIRG’s mental health campaign

It is my belief that the health of one’s mind is no less important than the health of one’s body. This belief became engrained...

Thoughts on WPIRG

During my time at Waterloo, I interacted with the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) both as a student and an executive of the...

My opinion before yours

If you haven't heard yet, Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones and Finnick Odair from The Hunger Games are in a romantic book-to-movie together....

Support our campus police

I am writing this letter to share my disappointment with your publication printing the article “Wrongfully Accused.” First off, it’s a bad idea to have...