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Tag: Community Editorial

LGBTQ+’s “will they, won’t they” dilemma

“Will they, won’t they?” is a popular question you’ll find between Meredith and Derek, Scully and Mulder, Jim and Pam… Dean and Castiel? The creators...

Sometimes, staying in is best

We’ve all been there, you’re finally of legal drinking age and you can’t wait to finally get into the popular bars and clubs you...

Shootings, bans, and Islamophobia: OH MY!

People are shocked when they hear about the bullying that happened to me when I first moved to Canada. I was born in Pakistan and...

Women’s marches help inspire, unify

I started this my platform on Friday to have a voice against the new President Who Must Not Be Named, but realized I did not...

How valuable will education be if everyone gets it for free?

Starting in September 2018, students in Ontario wishing to pursue a post secondary education will get more financial help from the provincial government. Named...

How much a dollar cost?

As a legal studies major who’s taken no small amount of sociology courses, I cover Marxism and capitalism at least once every term, and...

The silence is deafening

I sometimes forget to speak up for myself. It’s hard to get anything I want to say out on time, and when I do think...

‘Tis the season?

My favourite time of the year is right around the corner and the idea that Christmas is so close makes me thrilled and excited. ...

Pre-finals finals stress

As the end of the term approaches, life becomes busier and more hectic than any other time during the school term. All the projects,...

Aftermath of the U.S. election

Trump’s divisive win on Nov. 8 brought a flurry of emotions from people around me and on my social media. I saw disappointment, sadness,...