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Tag: christmas

Imprint playlists: ‘Tis the season for exams

Though the end of the fall term means final exams and assignments, it also means winter break is right around the corner. Here at...

Recipe: Christmas chocolate malt brownies

Let’s be honest, everybody pulls out their Christmas playlist once November hits. There’s no break in between Halloween and Christmas — it’s a fast-paced...

A holiday checklist for students

Getting organized for the holidays is one of the best ways to ensure that you enjoy more and stress less. Luckily, the music of...

DIY holiday card crafts

As winter time arrives, exams come flushing in and all hell breaks loose. Being time-efficient becomes a huge problem. Here is a five minute...

Around the world in … 24 hours?

The question of how Santa manages to visit each and every child in time for Christmas morning is one that many mathematicians are trying...