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UW copes with crisis and isolation through art: Flux 2021 review

On Mar. 27, the university’s department of Fine Arts opened Flux 2021, the 47th annual senior thesis exhibition.  The show features work by 20 fourth-year...

‘carried away on the crest of a wave’ review

For their final project, UW’s theatre and performance program’s senior capstone students produced scenes from the play “carried away on the crest of a...

Artist Spotlight: Kritika Gaba

A UW self-taught artist is uniting her love of nature and art to create vibrant paintings, and she is ready to share.  Kritika Gaba is...

UWAG presents Jennifer Willet

The University of Waterloo Art Gallery (UWAG) describes the exhibition as “a feminist science-fiction where biotechnology manifests interspecies collaboration, reproduction, theatre and storytelling as...

Artist Spotlight: Trisha Abe

Wandering the streets or local businesses of KW, you may just be lucky enough to spot one of Trisha Abe’s eye-catching linework murals. The...

Review: The Nunsense musical

  From Feb. 20 to 23, 2020, Conrad Grebel University College and Aha! Productions presented Nunsense: Off Broadway’s Heavenly Hit Musical.  This musical was spiritually zany,...

Lumen­—changing the way we think of art

Lumen, the celebration of light, art, and technology, returned with a variation of art installations from more than 30 local and international artists on...

Speaking Fruit: a fruition of a movement in motion

If the fruits you grow and pick could speak from dinner tables, refrigerators, and grocery aisles, what would you want them to say? This question...