
Impress your other culinarily-challenged friends

Cooking can be a real challenge for many first-year students. Many students resort to fast food — essentially junk food with little or...

An introduction to alcohol

Hellooooooooo first-years! Well ladies and gents, it may have been a while, but kinda like Richard Nixon or that rash...

A student’s guide to being green

I’m continually amazed at the kinds of things that people will throw in the garbage. For example, the other day a student from...

An introduction to the UW School of Architecture

UW’s School of Architecture is located in Cambridge’s beautiful old Galt neighbourhood, and accommodates about 400 students and staff every year. The school...

Freshman FIT-teen

It’s September. It’s back to school, meaning less time outside and more time in the library. Surprisingly though, despite UWaterloo’s reputation of heavy...

Members wanted

With tens of thousands of students enrolled here, odds are pretty good that UW has a much bigger student population...

Come on down to Kitchener

You might be enrolled at UW, but that doesn’t mean you have to be confined to Waterloo — there are loads of events...

Fun for the young and hungover

When I came to university, I was still 17 and wouldn’t be 18 for another couple months. I knew the drinking/party scene would...

You’re broke and food ain’t cheap, so listen up first-years

So you’ve moved into your new residence or your off-campus house and you’ve come to the realization that you no longer have your...

Fun for broke people

Have a great time without spending a dime! Here are some of the best free things to do in Waterloo. And remember, keep...