Science & Tech

PT: Playing Terror

While my week has been spent engrossed in way too much <em>Destiny</em>, I&rsquo;m still&nbsp; hesitant to voice an opinion on it. The reviews have...

Micro Files

<strong>Facebook Messenger tops iTunes apps amid security concerns</strong> The <em>Toronto Sun</em> reported that Facebook Messenger has topped the iTunes free app charts. The app, now...

Baby got back (pain)

UW researchers from the applied health sciences faculty recently published their research on the male spine&rsquo;s motions during sex. Dr. Stuart McGill and PhD student...

Looking forward to fall 2014

This Fall 2014 seems like it will be a great one as far as gaming goes.

Micro Files

<strong>Food allergies lower among vulnerable Canadians</strong> A team from Allergy, Genes, and Environment Network (AllerGen), co-spearheaded by UW professor Susan Elliot in the department of...

Hydrated World: Fashion and activism collide

Hydrated World, aims to provide one person with access to clean drinking water for every five pieces of clothing sold.

UW professor tackles cancer treatment with new approach

A quarter century ago, Wayne Brodland was a PhD candidate for civil engineering at the University of Manitoba. After meeting Richard Gordan, a biologist in search of an engineer to help build models to study neural tube closure, Brodland embarked on a lifetime of research that has taken on higher goals with every discovery.

eSports rising

I'll admit that I am not a sports nut. I enjoy the Stanley Cup as much as the next Canadian, but I couldn't recall my favourite player or game or anything.

Tree of life

UW assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering Sheree Pagsuyoin and an international team are working on developing a portable, scalable filter that could help rural communities where tap water infrastructure isn't available or is too expensive to implement.

Micro Files

Sleep deprivation leads to schizophrenia symptoms and the world’s largest flying bird has been discovered


Chocolate Covered Gummies

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