Science & Tech

An overview of artificial intelligence today

Self-driving cars, Watson, computers pretending to be human and believed!

The four best Nintendo games of 2014

Captain Toad, Bravely Default, and more.

Technology and jobs ‰ÛÓ part 2

Universal Basic Income and its policy effects.

The influence of technology on jobs

Hello wonderful readers! After sadly leaving the comparatively balmy hills of San Francisco, I am back reporting at Waterloo. For my first (and second)...

The five best (non-Nintendo) games of 2014

Y&rsquo;know, I was looking through the list of games that graced 2014, mildly depressed at the more disappointing entries of <em>Watch Dogs</em> and <em>Destiny</em>,...

UW students lights up the path to computer science for children

UW alumni&nbsp; Danny Yaroslavski was listed in this year&rsquo;s edition of <em>Forbes </em>30 Under 30 in the education category. The business magazine acknowledged Yaroslavski&rsquo;s...

Spring cleaning for winter 2015

New year, new games.

Micro Files

<strong>Invisible shield above Earth protects the planet from &ldquo;killer electrons&rdquo;</strong> According to <em>Science Daily</em>, a team led by the scientists from the University of Colorado...