Science & Tech

Lights, Camera, Failure

Yet another reminder that video game movies just don't work.

Getting to know your geese

If you&rsquo;ve walked around the University of Waterloo ever, then you have likely spotted a swaggering gaggle of hissing Canada Geese&mdash;that&rsquo;s right, <em>Canada</em> geese,...

I, for one, welcome our new bot overlords

Kik is bringing us all one step closer to the singularity.

The big questions leading up to E3 2016

All eyes will be on the Los Angeles Convention Center come the week of June 12 for the 2016 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Serving...

Bringing balance to the course

The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC)&rsquo;s Workshop in Computer Science for Young Women is working to correct the gender imbalance in...

A blurry past, a clear future

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a global issue that only seems to be growing. Research indicates that it is on the rise and...

You die in the game, you don’t die for real

Arcades are back in style thanks to the latest advancements in gaming technology, and Ctrl V is at the forefront of the revolution. As...

Bringing balance to the course

The Workshop in Computer Science for Young Women is a UW-based program which aims to help correct the gender balance in CS programs.

Running into turbulence over Corneria

Andrew takes a look at the latest adventures of team Star Fox

UW’s droning history with autonomous robots

University of Waterloo is known for its engineering program and impressive startups, but drone-related technology is starting to come out of UW much more...