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Life at REV

Everyone has a bad first-year dorm experience, with many different factors as a possible cause. I live at REV; for me, it was the...

Contagious Opinions

From food to cinema, music to cell phones, the opinions of others guide our choices. Although some instincts are natural, most of our decisions...

Meet Imprint’s new Executive Editor

“Tell me about yourself.”  An ambiguous statement that I’m never quite sure how to answer. Do you mean who I am in this moment specifically,...

United or divided: The United College rebranding

Staff and students gathered outside St. Paul’s on Sept. 24, 2022, to formally announce the name change and unveil the new sign, which now...

Go out and vote: Why students should vote in the municipal elections

Municipalities across Ontario, including Waterloo, will be holding local elections on Oct. 24. Eligible voters in Waterloo will be able to vote for the...

Why Waterloo Should Further Improve Its Cycling Infrastructure

For most university students, the idea of commuting to school by car is nothing but a daydream. Barring the costs of buying and owning...

My Roommates Posed a Public Health Hazard

Almost everyone has a bad roommate story — it seems like it’s an inevitable part of student housing. This is just one story; a...

High school didn’t prepare me for this  

High school was the best four years of my life. I spent it in the city I grew up in for the last 18...

Boy, girl, alien: chronicles of gender attribution

 “So, what are you?” “You have a beard. Are you a boy?” “Only boys wear belts. Girls wear dresses. You must be a boy because you...

LEARNING, LABOUR, AND LEGISLATION: Unionisation and how the government affects student workers

The provincial government has considerable influence on universities and can use its power to cause harm to both students and university workers (instructors, TAs,...