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Re: Re: UW & Israel: Justice and politics in academia, Jan. 31

I read with interest Prof. Berry’s Jan. 31 editorial in response to an earlier one by Al-shihabi and Ramahi on relations between UW and...

Rock the vote

We all saw it coming: a column about voting in student union elections. Just hear me out. I feel it’s my responsibility as editor-in-chief of...

Re: UW & Israel: Justice and Politics in Academia, Jan. 24

An article in last week’s Imprint, “UW & Israel: Justice and Politics in Academia” incorrectly claimed that during his recent trip to...

The backpack effect

Media-related topics tend to be the main themes of my column each week because there are few other areas in which I...

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

Trolling in the deep

I have taken up a very bad habit &mdash; a sad, soul-crushing, discouraging habit. I have taken to regularly searching the term &ldquo;<em>Imprint</em>&rdquo; on...