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A rebranding to remember

The New York Times recently ran a feature piece called “In Colorado, a Rebranding of Pot Inc.” The piece is about the co-founders of...

Lottery Politics: the shared values of Canada and Israel

If you bought a ticket, your odds of winning the latest Powerball lottery were one in 175 million. If you were a resident of...

RE: Ombuds Waterloo? Sept. 19

Student advocacy has been an issue high on the priority list for the Graduate Student Association (GSA) for the past few years. Our efforts...

Ombuds Waterloo?

The University of Waterloo does not have an ombudsperson! To me, that is more than a surprise; it is a shame! An ombudsperson (“public advocate”)...

Can’t buy me love

Can you last the fast?

“Some who fast obtain nothing from it but hunger and thirst.” T he blessed month of...

Re: Feds Board of Directors Closes Meetings, June 28, 2014

I was surprised and disappointed to learn that the Federation of Students’ chief decision-making body, the Board of Directors, decided on April 30 that...

Re: Galt architecture campus proposes $24 million expansion, May 30

Dear editor: Your recent article "Galt architecture campus proposes $24 million expansion" (May 30) leaves readers the impression that the proposed expansion of the Cambridge...

Hashtag history

Last week, I wrote my column about the #YesAllWomen movement, with an assurance that it had staying power. Well, guess what? I was wrong. As...

Yes, all women

<em>It was a nightclub in Mississauga I had never been to before. The strange passerby stuck his hand right up my dress and tried...