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National Indigenous People’s Day

In honour of her late mother, Justice Audrey Greensummers wore a healing jingle dress and performed in the Jingle Dress Dance as a gold...

Getting kinky done the right way

A hairstylist once told Sandra Ellis her hair is weird. As a woman of African descent her hair isn’t weird, it’s kinky. Now a licensed...

Dropbike pilot project comes to UW

A pilot project by Dropbike, a company providing an affordable and convenient bike sharing program, is replacing the Community Access Bikeshare (CAB), which was...

Feds plan to change name and logo

For 20 years, the UW’s student union has served the student population under the name, Federation of Students or affectionately known as, the Feds. This...

UWAFT — the team to watch!

The University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team (UWAFT) was in Atlanta Georgia participating in year one EMC competition earlier this month, competing against 11...

Looking forward: our planet, our future

Youth, parents, university students, and passionate community members gathered in Uptown Waterloo Town Square to take part in the second global climate protest. Similar strikes...

Lori Campbell seeks federal NDP nomination

Lori Campbell, an Indigenous Studies instructor at St. Paul’s University College, announced her intention to seek the federal NDP nomination for the Waterloo riding. Campbell...
Dr. Bessma Momani

Iran tensions spark fears of possible military conflict

International worries that a war might break out between Iran and the U.S. have steadily increased since Iran pulled out of the nuclear deal. The...

Campus Questions: How has a club at UW changed or affected your university life?

“Since first year I got involved with Power to Change, which is a Christian club on campus. That was really impactful for me because...

Tarrifs on steel lifted

The year-long feud with Donald Trump is finally over. On Friday, May 17, it was announced that the tariffs imposed on steel and aluminum...