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More mental health coverage for students

Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, students at UW will have access to EmpowerMe, a student assistance program in addition to an expansion in the existing...

Fossil free open letter

An open letter from Fosil Free UW to the university acknowledged that UW has decided on adopting the UN’s Principles of Responsible Investments (UNPRI)...

UW allows international students to stay on campus over break

This Christmas, UW’s international students will again be allowed to spend their holidays on campus. For years, UW policy mandated international students living in UW...

Ontario court declares Student Choice Initiative contrary to law

Student unions won a nine-month long battle against the Government of Ontario on Nov. 21. The Ontario Divisional Court ruled that the Student Choice Initiative...

Waterloo installs streetlights at busy intersection

The intersection between Lester St. and University Ave. W. is one of many crossings frequented by students living both in residence and off campus....

Is Waterloo safe for women?

Although KW is considered fairly safe, women continue to face dangers of harassment.  The stories of two different women who spoke with Imprint highlight how...

Brixton announces shutdown

Brixton Social, a popular club in Waterloo, announced on Nov. 15 that the club would no longer remain in operation due to “immediate unforeseen...

The fight against Waterloo’s student housing crisis continues

Since the Waterloo Student Housing Rally on Sept. 25 at City Hall, the Student Housing Crisis activist group has been pushing for housing rights...

UW students face food insecurity

The number of single people accessing food banks in the Waterloo Region has doubled over the past five years from 25 per cent of...

Student Choice Initiative “inconsistent with the law” court rules

The Student Choice Initiative as formulated by the Ford government is unlawful according to the Ontario Divisional Court decision announced on Thursday, Nov. 21....