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PART Anti-Racism Book Club

On Jan. 18, the President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) held its monthly session of their anti-racism book club. PART launched the book club in July...

UW announces Feb. 7 reopening to mixed reactions

On Jan. 21, the University of Waterloo community received an email from the president and vice-president of UW, announcing that most in-person teaching and...

Rising house prices in KW affect off-campus student housing

Ontario renters in 2022 are facing a potential increase in rent prices after the provincial government updated its rent guidelines, allowing landlords to raise...

UW updates research and international travel guidelines

For the majority of the COVID-19 pandemic, international travel for academic purposes at the University of Waterloo has been prohibited, but not anymore. As...

Students scammed out of deposit when searching for sublet housing

Over the past month on Reddit, University of Waterloo students reported paying deposits for sublet agreements that turned out to be scams. The police...

Remote learning extended until February

On Jan. 17, the University of Waterloo announced an extension to the current remote learning and working arrangements until at least Feb. 7.  The announcement...

Omicron variant brings new residence restrictions

On Dec. 31, University of Waterloo students living in residence received a memo from Campus Housing detailing new restrictions in response to the increasing...

UW students react to postponed in-person learning

After nearly two years of online learning, UW students were expecting an in-person return starting Jan. 5. That was until an announcement from UW...

New UW International Work-Integrated Learning (iWIL) Program

UW has announced a new scholarship program to help students gain international work-integrated learning (iWIL) experiences from January 2022 to March 2025. This program...

UW ranked among the top universities in the world for entrepreneurship

The University of Waterloo was recently ranked among the top 25 universities in the world that produce the most successful entrepreneurs. The rankings, which...