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Feds attempts to create more student space

The SLC is changing. <em>Imprint </em>and Feds&rsquo; marketing and communications department are moving to temporary spaces so that their previous spaces can undergo renovations....

Things to know before voting on the SLC/PAC extension

1. Students are contributing $24 million to the project, while the university is contributing $10 million. However, students will also be paying interest to...

UW students say no to academic boycott of Israel

UW&rsquo;s Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement came to an end as students voted against severing ties with Israeli institutions Jan. 28. The international...

“You. Are. A. Vocal. Minority. That needs to check their privilege”

One comment written by UW student Ariel Paulin on a photo uploaded on Facebook by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) regarding the...

UW students vote against cutting ties with Israeli institutions

Students voted Jan. 28 on whether the university should cut ties with Israeli academic institutions. The referendum resulted in 2,329 students voting against cutting...

Wrapping Up: Stephane Hamade, VP of Education

<strong>What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?</strong> <strong>S: </strong>Implementing fall reading break for 2016. I think really been the better part of...

Wrapping up: Maaz Yasin, VP Internal

<strong>What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?</strong> <strong>M:</strong> I would say the launch of the volunteer center would be my biggest achievement. I...

Wrapping up: Carly McCready, VP of Operations and Finance

<strong>What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?</strong> <strong>C: </strong>I think that I&rsquo;m really proud of the First Year Friendly at the Bomber ......

Wrapping up: Outgoing Feds exec talk about their time in office

Click on the following profiles to see&nbsp;Imprint's&nbsp;Q&amp;A with each Feds executive. <a href="https://archive.uwimprint.ca/article/5593-wrapping-up-maaz-yasin-vp-internal"><img src="https://archive.uwimprint.ca/uploads/2016/01/maaz-yasin5.jpg" style="height: 599px; width: 400px;" /></a> <a href="https://archive.uwimprint.ca/article/5593-wrapping-up-maaz-yasin-vp-internal"><strong>Maaz Yasin, VP Internal</strong></a><br /> Handles club...

UW panel discusses student role in assisting Syrian refugees

As 1,150 Syrian refugees find new homes in the Waterloo Region, community planners and policy makers within the region have to consider how to...