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Key takeaways from WUSA’s annual general meeting

WUSA’s annual general meeting took place on Wednesday evening, March 28, allowing students to debate and vote on a number of proposed motions. This...

UW parking fees to increase

Effective May 1, student parking fees per term will increase to $235.61 (including tax), an increase of roughly 39 per cent from the previous...

City of Waterloo issues fines over St. Patrick’s weekend

Thousands of people travelled to Waterloo this past weekend to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, which meant that the city was on high alert for...

UW holds first-ever climate convention

The Waterloo Climate Institute held its first-ever climate convention on March 16, with the goal of fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration, highlighting community initiatives and promoting...

UW’s Chris Kalil running for charity

Chris Kalil, a fourth year UW student, is running almost 50 kilometres to raise money for Stratford based charities, Shelterlink and House of Blessing....

More than Marshall: the true meaning of St. Patrick’s Day

It’s no secret that Waterloo’s student population does St. Patrick’s like no other.  To many, the day means large gatherings, green gear and booze, commonly...

WRPS install cameras around Uptown Waterloo ahead of St. Patrick’s Day

The Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS) installed closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) around Uptown Waterloo to prepare for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. According to their website,...

City of Waterloo prepares for St. Patrick’s Day festivities

  To prepare for St. Patrick’s Day festivities this weekend, the City of Waterloo issued a parking ban and set up fences along the sidewalks...

Incoming WUSA director found by Elections Committee to violate MathSoc policy

Daniel Wang, incoming WUSA director for the 2024-2025 term and one of the current computer science (CS) representatives for MathSoc, was found by the...

By students, for students

Students at UW are taking the mental health of their peers into their own hands in a way that hopes to address isolation on...