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Students vote to eliminate opt-out WPIRG fee in referendum

With 82 per cent of the vote, students have voted to eliminate the mandatory, opt-out WPIRG fee after a three-day referendum. With a total of...

A celebration of Indigenous culture

The 13th annual Powwow hosted by St. Paul’s Aboriginal Centre and the City of Waterloo, was brought to Waterloo Park on Sept. 24. A...

Local startups drink to a good cause

Startups and Beer, an event that brought Canadian tech startups and microbreweries together, was held Sept. 22 in downtown Kitchener. The event space was...

Unsanctioned mental health project shut down by campus police

The Waterloo Public Interest Research Group’s latest on-campus project found itself stopped almost before it could start in a dispute between WPIRG and campus...

Review: No warm up for SonReal as he hits the stage in Waterloo

With dance moves out of this world, a unique sense of fashion, and energy like no other, I couldn’t have missed SonReal’s performance at...