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Former UW school of architecture general manager convicted of fraud

A former general manager of the UW School of Architecture in Cambridge was found guilty of fraud, theft, and forgery on Oct. 13. Jeffery Lederer...

Privacy and Disclosure

What are students' rights when it comes to their medical recordds and medical information on campus? In light of Invisible Disabilities Week (Oct. 16 -...

University faculties are going greener

The University of Waterloo began its Green Office program in January 2016. The program’s goal is to promote campus environmental sustainability by encouraging departments...

Integrating Knowledges Summit addresses Canada’s dark past and present

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, a commission designed to address the allegations of abuse of First Nations children within residential schools, concluded...

Spreading awareness through Invisible Disabilities Week

  Partnering with the Accessibility Matters at Renison Working Group, AccessAbility Services is raising awareness about invisible disabilities this week. According to administrative dean at...

AccessAbility Services 101

What is AccessAbility Services? In this video staff members and students provide knowledge on and input behind UW's service. In light of Invisible Disabilities Week...

Invisible Disabilities 101

What are invisible disabilities? In this video staff members and students provide knowledge on and input behind this and the myths that surround it. In...

New season, new styles in campus fashion

"University has allowed me to be a little more casual while still looking nice. There's diversity in everyone's style on campus."- Emerald Naylor, 4A...

UW alumni startups bringing tech to your body

Fashion isn’t just about looks — function plays a role, too. And some of UW Velocity’s alumni are at the cutting edge of wearable...

Undressing university policy

After an extensive search through official UW policies and inquiries about any policies surrounding the dress code at UW, it can be safely said...