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Students vs CECA?

In the Feds General Meeting (GM) agenda released March 15, a student submitted a motion to censure — formally express disapproval of — the...

Another student death at UW Place

Waterloo Region Police were called to the UW Place residence at 6:24 a.m. on March 20 when a body was found on the ground. After...

Realizing rape culture

One of the most uncomfortable experiences I’ve ever had was watching the play Unconscious Curriculum, a student-run theatre performance directed by Andrew Houstan, at...

Which Hogwarts house are you in?

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin: which are you? Keep track of your answers to find out. 1) What is your favourite cake? A) All the cakes! B) Cheesecake C)...

Is Feds transparent to you?

In the recent Feds election, a common issue raised by both teams was transparency. This led to several questions from the student population about...

International Women’s Day, HeForShe, and solidarity in a city of millions

The call for women and men alike to come together resounded around the world on March 8. The day, known as International Women’s Day,...

How to do taxes: a student’s guide

If you’re like me at all, you’re probably confused by the concept of taxes and “tax season.” If you’re lucky, like me, you just...

The health of our student body

Each year, the American College Health Association (ACHA) conducts a wide ranging survey of college and university students at different institutions and publishes the...

No quorum, no meeting

Despite the packed agenda, Feds’ March student council meeting failed to meet quorum with only 12 out of the 25 councillors attending. After waiting...

Breath of the Wild is simply breath-taking

The big talk in gaming circles this week is almost certainly going to be Nintendo’s newest console, the Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, I’m trying to...


Campus Bulletin, September 13

Fire drills or real fire?

The balancing act