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At the roots of sustainable fashion

Recently, Sustainable Campus Fashion held their third annual used-clothing sale from Sept. 25-26. Kinjal Patel, project co-lead with Maggie Chang, spoke to Imprint on sustainable...

The real heroes at Maxwell’s

Helming an evening of intense progressive metal, Whitby shredders, Protest the Hero dazzled a packed  crowd of fans at Maxwell’s Concerts and Events last...

Beyond ballots: Moving forward after a ‘wild’ federal election

After suffering a devastating political loss to Donald Trump in the controversial presidential election of 2016, Hillary Clinton has returned to the world stage...

Getting high on campus: part 1

Welcome to Getting High on Campus, a series about the best places on campus to enjoy the beauty of the sunset! Each week, we...

Bringing people together to Powwow

St. Paul’s Aboriginal Centre’s 14th annual Powwow took place Sept. 23 at Waterloo Park. A Powwow is an indigenous cultural celebration that brings together...

United efforts: The continued quest for on-campus inclusivity

From faculty to first-years, progress on gender inequality can be felt across campus. On Wednesday, Sept. 20, UW President Feridun Hamdullahpur took to the...

Hawks humble Warriors as Bertoia’s men fall to 4-1

At the beginning of the football season, Warriors head coach Chris Bertoia knew his team was going to turn the corner, but wasn’t quite...

Local music festival the real ‘McKOI’

While students were tirelessly tinkering into the evening at Hack the North, down the street at Maxwell’s Concerts & Events the night was alive...

Masterful McConnell spoils Ravens homecoming for historic 4-0 start

After last weekend’s victory over Toronto pushed his football team to 3-0, head coach Chris Bertoia claimed it was “…the best victory has...

Movie Review: IT is terrifying(ly) Good

For the sake of clarity, let’s get something out of the way early; this review was remarkably confusing to write, let alone to read....