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When Screens Replace Backyards: UW researchers explore reduced connection to nature among children

As screen use increases, children’s Connection to Nature (CTN) is decreasing, which poses major concerns for their social development and overall wellbeing. Researchers at the...

What to do in Waterloo this August 

Whether you will be studying all month or you only have one final exam and are facing a long, well-deserved break, this August is...

Indigenous organizations in the Region of Waterloo

The UW Office of Indigenous Relations works collaboratively on- and off-campus to advance the goals of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. During...

Nothing about us without us: The story of Amy Smoke

How much do you know? How much do you know about your system, your culture, everything came from? How many people do you know...

Campus action on climate change — Part 2: What are we already doing?

In March 2017, the University of Waterloo established its Policy 53 – Environmental Sustainability, which outlines the University’s responsibility in mitigating climate change and...

Campus action on climate change – Part 1: What is our responsibility?

Universities can feel like their own little world. It is easy for those who study, live and work on campus to get lost in...

Co-op: Moving out and moving on

I just finished a five-year English co-op program in April. I came to UW wondering what was in store for me as a student. I never...

Hong Kong protests hit UW and r/waterloo

The ongoing protest movement in Hong Kong has spilled over its borders into international institutions. The University of Waterloo was one of them. The UW...

The Francophone Cinema Festival | Festival du Cinéma Francophone à KW

By: Paula Belliveau, Lauren Bishop, Bryn Friesen, Andrea Gardiner, Samantha Hannigan, Jessica Schuetze, Rachel Swasey, et Jessica Vidal Wilfrid Laurier French language students Francophone culture was...

KW welcomes Francophones | Kitchener-Waterloo souhait la bienvenue aux francophones

By: Nicole Barber, Jenna Cimetta, Jamie Fleming-Montgomery, Katie Haffner, Andrea Morales, Lauren Nixon, Emily Parker, Taryn Tufford, Sterre Verhulst and Scott Zimmermann Wilfrid Laurier French...