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Where did UW’s rainbow crosswalks come from?

According to Tracelyn Cornelius, director of UW Inclusive Communications, UW’s new rainbow crosswalks are a product of collaboration between the Inclusive Communications unit, Marketing...

UW launches Menstrual Equity pilot

On May 30, the University of Waterloo launched a pilot project which aims to increase equitable access to menstrual products on campus. Free menstrual...

UW Housing to open new residence building

Earlier today, UW Housing held an event in Claudette Millar Hall (CMH) where students were able to provide feedback on plans for a new...

WUSA to open Indian street food outlet in fall 2023

Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) is planning on opening multiple food outlets in the SLC near the patio exit on the first floor throughout...

Four All Ice Cream founder: “I have to respect the science first”

Last Wednesday, Ajoa Mintah, UW chemical engineering alum, sat down with the Women in Engineering committee to discuss her journey as the founder of...

UW will waive tuition for students from two Ontario First Nations

The University of Waterloo will now cover the tuition of students from the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the...

UW paints its first rainbow crosswalks

The University of Waterloo has finished work on its first rainbow crosswalks: pedestrian crosswalks painted with the colours of a rainbow flag in honour...

Blackberry movie review

When I heard that a movie about Blackberry was coming out, I jumped at the chance to review it. It was a once in...

What to do in May

Movies in the Parking Lot  510 Dutton Dr, Waterloo  May 19, 7:30 p.m.  Visit Waterloo’s very own pop-up drive-in theatre with your friends for a showing of...

University of Waterloo Ends Research Partnership with Huawei

Following a long standing partnership with Chinese tech corporation Huawei, the University of Waterloo announced this month that it will end all research initiatives...