
Living in the past is so passe

I have a really bad memory when it comes to my childhood. I remember stories my parents tell me more than the actual events....


Before I even begin this article, I’ll give full disclosure: I’m not on Twitter. Personally, I think Twitter is good for two things: breaking...

Crossword Solutions for Aug. 29

Someone call a doctor!

The following contains spoilers for the Doctor Who episode "Deep Breath."

Still waiting for Kanye West: Hollywood

After the Flappy Bird and 2048 crazes, I've come to accept that I have no resistance whatsoever to app-related peer pressure, which is how, against all odds, I found myself downloading a Kim Kardashian game onto my phone this week.

Blog wars: A new hope

"Blog." I really hate the word "blog." Not for what it represents, just the actual structure of the word. It sounds really dumb to say, like...