
Distractions Solutions, June 3

Trivia Talk Nerdy to Me 1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Vanyar, the Noldor and the Teleri</p> 2.    2001 ...

Yes, your Johnlock fanfiction is valid

To ruin an ancient proverb about trees and observational reality, “if media is created, and no one writes fanfiction for it, does it exist as successful media at all?" I argue that in a way, it doesn't.

Crossword solutions, Mar. 27

Crossword solutions, Mar. 27


Why are you so good at everything?!

Crossword solutions, Mar. 6

Crossword solutions, Mar. 6

Sudoku solutions, Mar. 6

Sudoku solutions, March 6.

You could not care less what the professor is saying right now

How to stay awake in the face of boring lectures.

Crossword solution, Feb. 27

Sudoku solution, Feb. 27

You swear you haven’t been drinking, officer

Don't get caught.