Campus Question

Campus Question: What is the most challenging thing about going back to school?

“I think the hardest thing about coming back to school, especially for me, is that you have to move in and you have to...

Campus Question: What do you think of the Bomber closing down without having ...

“I think it was pretty abrupt. One day the bomber was open. The next day it was closed. Although I didn’t frequent the Bomber...

Campus Question: How have OSAP changes affected you?

“I have a brother who’s also in university, and so even though I can earn money through co-op and make up for the OSAP...

Campus Question: What do you do think about the Raptors’ NBA champion win?

“I was very excited about that. I was the school basketball team when I was in highschool, so I really was paying a...

This week: What do you think about students having a romantic relationship with professors?

Nour Al-Hendi, 4A Honours Arts “I think it’s really inappropriate for students and professors to have a relationship, just because it can get really tricky....

This week: Would you consider being a sugar baby to fund your education?

Justin Drapeau, 4B Business Administration & Computer Science “No, that is not right. It’s weird.” Kevin Scodras, 3A Physics “No. I, fortunately, have enough money to pay for school....

This week: Were you satisfied with how you spent Reading Week? Why or why...

Ashutosh Adhikari Master’s Candidate Math Computer Science Thesis “I’m a grad student so the way I see it, every week is a Reading Week for...

This Week: What are your thoughts on the Bomber’s sudden closing?

“It’s very unfortunate. The Bomber is a good place, it’s a restaurant, a club … it’s what everyone knows Waterloo for, in terms of...



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