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Hook’d: February 10

Looking at some fantastic songs for the week of February 10th

A fountain of knowledge

A run-down of the best in pens and paper for the inquiring fountain pen amateur

Crochet: not just your grandma’s hobby

A brief PSA on why it's OK to crochet

Bite Me: For the horde!

Last night was the final mission of HvZ for the term, and probably the most terrified I've ever been to walk around campus (which is kinda lame since I was the zombie). So, which side won? Did I even get a single kill? Did I really have nothing better to be doing on a Friday night? Read on, and all the answers will become clear. Except for that last one, which I'm too ashamed to answer.

Bite Me: Welcome to the horde

Matt details his last moments as a human in HvZ.

The Second R: Remember to reuse

Catherine praises the underrated art of reusing and gives you tips on how you can make use of the stuff you'd normally toss.

Bite Me: Of wraiths and wimps

Matt gives a rundown of his second day in HvZ. Turns out his elementary-school bullies were right: he really is a wuss.

Bite Me: No shots, no socks, no survival

Matt details his first day in HvZ. Surprise, he actually survived!

Bite Me: A prelude

The undead are rising... and so is my excitement.


Seriously, we can probably turn down on the selfies juuuust a little.