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How companies recruit

The University of Waterloo gives its students many opportunities to get noticed by potential employers. The Tatham Centre provides workshops catered towards building strong...

Enter the Greenhorn Grad

Dear gentle readers,</p> I wasn’t prepared for graduation. Four long years had been spent to achieve my goal: that clean, crisp...

Grasping the idea of writing

Writing is easy. All you have to do is put words into sentences and stick them together to make paragraphs. Just...

Exam beauty SOS

It&rsquo;s that time of the semester that we all dread: exam time. It can be very stressful trying to cram five courses into your...

Explain Like I’m Cool: MMOs

This week I wanted to go over what&rsquo;s probably the most addictive and least accessible of all gaming genres: the MMO. An abbreviation of...

The NEW Natural

This week I bring you a trend report: COLOUR.</p> Now, colour isn’t a new thing in makeup. It has been around...

Explain Like I’m Cool: Anime

One of the strangest things I hear about anime from people who don&rsquo;t watch anime is &ldquo;I just don&rsquo;t get it, it&rsquo;s not for...

Monday Morning Brew: July 21

<strong>IRS is reportedly looking into some Canadians&rsquo; bank info</strong></p> The Internal Revenue Agency (IRS) is only looking into the financial information...

Uni’d this: essential tutorials for all your uni life needs

Last minute beauty We all want to look like we woke up beautiful, even if we didn’t. Here are some...

Explain Like I’m Cool: Superheroes, on screen and off the page

Well folks, we&rsquo;re right in the midst of summer, which means that it&rsquo;s juuuust about time for yet <em>another </em>superhero movie. Now if you&rsquo;re...